Cute triplets animation
Cute triplets animation

cute triplets animation

Circus Episode: Episoded 57, "In the Circus".Chromatic Arrangement/ Color-Coded Characters/ Identical Twin ID Tag: Each of the triplets has a specific color for her ribbon and the shirt she wears under their overalls: pink for Teresa, blue for Anna and green for Helena.Christmas Episode: Episode 56, "Santa Claus", where the girls help Santa Claus to prevent a toymaker to arrive at his factory with the intention of enforcing Santa into delivering his violent toys.Butt-Monkey: The Bored Witch is this and sometimes her pet Owl Buho.Breakout Villain: The Bored Witch was popular enough to land her own Spin-Off.Occasionally, though, there's some with Black Dot Pupils. Black Bead Eyes: Much of the cast has eyes like this.Big Eater: Helena, whose love for food and sweets in particular sometimes meant trouble for the triplets.Frankenstein working as a veterinarian? Well, those two happened on this show.

#Cute triplets animation tv#

Could you imagine Ali Baba's forty thieves getting distracted by a camel race on TV or Dr. Anachronism Stew: Mostly Played for Laughs.Averted in her spin-off, however, where she is straight-up good. On the other hand, she's not above teaming up with the Villain of the Week from time to time.

cute triplets animation cute triplets animation

  • Ambiguously Evil: Technically she's the villain of the show, but the purpose of The Bored Witch's punishments to the triplets is to make them learn their lessons, and she always keeps her word of bringing them back when the tale reaches its ending.
  • Aesop Enforcer: The Bored Witch always punishes the Triplets by sending them to stories so they learn their lesson.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In the episode adapting Oliver Twist, Fagin is changed from a shady guy that only takes in Oliver to make him part of his gang of young thieves to a wealthy man that adopts Oliver after saving him from Sikes.

  • Cute triplets animation