Circus Episode: Episoded 57, "In the Circus".Chromatic Arrangement/ Color-Coded Characters/ Identical Twin ID Tag: Each of the triplets has a specific color for her ribbon and the shirt she wears under their overalls: pink for Teresa, blue for Anna and green for Helena.Christmas Episode: Episode 56, "Santa Claus", where the girls help Santa Claus to prevent a toymaker to arrive at his factory with the intention of enforcing Santa into delivering his violent toys.Butt-Monkey: The Bored Witch is this and sometimes her pet Owl Buho.Breakout Villain: The Bored Witch was popular enough to land her own Spin-Off.Occasionally, though, there's some with Black Dot Pupils. Black Bead Eyes: Much of the cast has eyes like this.Big Eater: Helena, whose love for food and sweets in particular sometimes meant trouble for the triplets.Frankenstein working as a veterinarian? Well, those two happened on this show.
#Cute triplets animation tv#
Could you imagine Ali Baba's forty thieves getting distracted by a camel race on TV or Dr. Anachronism Stew: Mostly Played for Laughs.Averted in her spin-off, however, where she is straight-up good. On the other hand, she's not above teaming up with the Villain of the Week from time to time.